If you have any questions or comments about the accessibility of this site, please contact [email protected].
Access Keys
Access keys provide keyboard shortcuts. They provide an alternative form of navigation.
The following access keys are enabled on this website:
1 – Home page
3 – Site map
4 – Search
6 – Help
8 – Terms & conditions
9 – Contact us
0 – Access key details
To use all access keys except no.4 (search):
- Windows users: press the ‘Alt key’ and the access key, then press ENTER
- Mac users: press the ‘Ctrl key’ and the access key
To search using the access keys:
- Windows users: press ‘Alt+4’ then type your search term before pressing ENTER
- Mac users: press ‘Ctrl+4’ then type your search term before pressing ENTER
Standards compliance
- All pages on the website conform to conformance level Triple-A of the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0, including all Priority 1, Priority 2 and Priority 3 checkpoints defined in the Guidelines.
- All pages of the website conform strictly to XHTML1.0
Navigation aids
- All archive pages have a crumb trail at the top of the page that indicates precisely which section of the site you are in.
- All listing pages (eg, news) have previous, next and home links to aid navigation in text-only browsers and screen readers.
- All pages include a search box (which can be accessed using access key 4).
- Links across the site are written to be descriptive of their target whenever possible. Where this isn't the case, the link 'title' attribute has been used to describe the target.
- Whenever possible links are written to make sense out of context, to help users that extract a list of all the links on the page and browse it separately from the content.
- Link text is never duplicated; two links with the same link text always point to the same address.
- There are no "javascript:" pseudo-links. All links can be followed in any browser, even if scripting is turned off.
- There are no links that open new windows without warning.
All content images used in this site include descriptive ALT attributes. Purely decorative graphics include null ALT attributes.
Visual design
- This site and all its pages use cascading style sheets for visual layout.
- The site uses a special cascading style sheet for printing pages.
- Internet Explorer has a limited text resizing feature ("View" menu, "Text Size"), but this only works with relative font sizes. A special style sheet that uses relative font sizes is automatically served to visitors using Internet Explorer.
- If your browser or browsing device does not support style sheets at all, the content of each page is still readable.
- The page structure has been laid out by using CSS positioning. Tables where used are reserved for tabular data only and feature the correct HTML markup.
- All the pages have been optimized so the main content comes first followed by the various navigation elements, making it easier for screen reader users to get to the relevant information quickly.