Stem Cell Registries and Banks
Well-characterised, stable stem cell lines that grow and reproduce predictably are essential for successful stem cell research. In 2003 the ISCF started work to develop a set of agreed global criteria for the derivation, characterisation and maintenance of human stem cell lines. As part of this work, the Forum has invited research groups worldwide to submit stem cell lines from their laboratories for inclusion in a large-scale characterisation project using ISCF criteria.
The Forum is setting up a registry to record details of these stem cell lines, available online for quick, convenient reference by the international scientific community. As the registry will contain the data generated by the characterisation project, it will be launched when the project is nearer completion.
Please see below for details of the major international stem cell registries:
- ISCF registry (as undertaken by the ISCI project)
- UK Stem Cell Bank registry
- NIH registry