

For further research, click on the map to access our database of laws, policies, regulations and guidelines.


ISCF EWP Secretariat
Rosario Isasi, JD, MPH
Academic Secretary, International Stem Forum Ethics Working Party
Centre de recherche en droit public (CRDP), Faculty of Law
Université de Montréal
C.P. 6128, succursale Centre-Ville, Montréal (Québec), Canada H3C3J7
(1) (514) 343-7868
(1) (514) 343-6233 (fax)
[email protected]



Note: This page is meant as a reference and the ISCF does not necessarily endorse the content of the following external sites.

StemGen provides information about ethical, legal, and social issues related to stem cell research and related therapies. The StemGen database provides comprehensive information regarding current laws, policies, regulations and guidelines adopted by national, regional or international organizations. The site includes the StemGen WorldMap, a 50-country compendium of the laws and policies by region and country.

The Interstate Alliance on Stem Cell Research (IASCR) is a voluntary body whose mission is to advance stem cell research (human embryonic, adult, and other) by fostering effective interstate collaboration, by assisting states in developing research programs, and by promoting efficient and responsible use of public funds. The IASCR was established to facilitate coordination among states that wish to advance stem cell research. Stem cell research programs vary considerably in scope and the regulatory requirements that underpin them. This diversity of approaches could impede collaboration and the sharing of research materials or raise overall costs. The IASCR provides a forum for information exchange and collaborative planning in an attempt to facilitate the sharing of data, resources, and cell lines across state borders to ensure the efficient development of research programs.

The International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) is an independent, nonprofit organization formed in 2002 to foster the exchange of information on stem cell research.

The International Consortium of Stem Cell Networks (ICSCN) is a 'network of networks' currently boasting some of the world's major stem cell networks as members. The ICSCN aims to unify international efforts to accelerate opportunities to make stem cell therapy a reality for a broad range of debilitating diseases, by:

The European Consortium for Stem Cell Research presents a European perspective on developments in stem cell research. The EuroStemCell website provides comprehensive scientific information regarding stem cell research and includes a listing of laws relating to embryonic stem cell research throughout the European Union.

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