Human Embryonic Stem Cell Workshops
In 1954 Leroy Stevens and Clarence Cook Little, working at The Jackson Laboratory published their finding that male 129 mice develop testicular teratomas at a significant and reproducible frequency. If it is ever possible to identify the ‘start’ of a new area of science, their discovery is arguably the start of the line of research that led eventually to the present day studies of human embryonic stem (ES) cells.
First workshop
Just over 50 years later, the first international human ES cell workshop was held at The Jackson Laboratory, bringing together representatives from laboratories that have derived human ES cell lines in countries of the Stem Cell Forum. The purpose of this Workshop was to review the initial data generated by the International Stem Cell Initiative (ISCI), and to discuss plans for future collaborative projects under the auspices of the International Stem Cell Forum.
At the Workshop, the participants also discussed the potential for further co-ordinated international collaborations between all the interested groups with human ES cell expertise, worldwide. It was agreed to discuss with the Stem Cell Forum establishing a further program to develop standardised and defined culture media, and to analyse the extent and causes of genetic instability in human ES cell lines, as well as to develop further the Registry that will be the outcome from ISCI1.
A detailed account of the workshop is also available
Second workshop
A Second International Human ES Cell Workshop was held at The Jackson Laboratory from 3rd – 6th August, 2006, when the the nearly completed results of the ISCI1 project were discussed. Also plans for International Stem Cell Initiative-2 (ISCI2) were refined. ISCI2 has now been approved by the ISCF, which has provided a budget of $2 million for this new program.
Third workshop
A Third International ES Cell Workshop will be held at the Jackson Laboratory from 19th – 22nd October, 2007.
The Workshops have been sponsored by the International Stem Cell Forum, with additional support from:
- Applied Biosystems
- Axordia Ltd.
- Chemicon (now part of Millipore)
- The Ellison Medical Foundation
- GE Healthcare
- The Shelby Cullom Davis Foundation
- StemCell Technologies