Download the Raw Data
The data for the stem cell registry is available for researchers to download and analyse for themselves. It was a condition of the study that all data would be published in the public domain.
Reference Documents
When analysing the data please refer to the following documents:
- Gene ID: Describes the genes used in the Low Denisty Array (LDA) assay
- Antibody codes: Lists the antibodies used and associated code numbers
- Gene List: This list gives further information on the gene assayed in the low density array assays.
Raw Data
LDA Data from the samples analysed. The samples are run in triplicate and have not been normalised. Please refer to the Gene ID table for the positive control used on the LDA assay that can be used as normalisers.
Flow cytometry (FACS) data is a combined table of the analysed data as supplied by the participants.